About myflowlab

Our passions and experiences drive us to innovate Tech Educational tools and resources that are easy and fast to apply and deliver to students around the globe for them to start engaging with technology to innovate.
We believe innovation is not just about creating high tech gadgets. It is also about innovating ideas, solutions, solving real-world problems and living a life that adds value to everyone life.
myFlowlab thrives at innovating tools and learning resources for our learners to engage in hands-on and mind-on activities in Technology and Engineering blended with Science and Mathematics. This approach is primarily to ignite them towards STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), Innovation, as well as enhance their core competencies to acquire essential skills in the following areas: Computational Thinking, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, Creativity, Communication, Collaboration, Digital Literacy, Data Literacy and Computer Science. 

Principal Consultants 

Loganathan Alagan
Prof. Dr. Othman

myFlowlab wholly owned by Matroll Solutions, operates as a very lean organization with project-centric leads and team members. We have almost a team of 300 alumni globally, equipped with the knowledge and skills to deploy our unique framework and courses in STEM Education and Digital Technologies. 
The primary myFlowlab team consists of passionate and dedicated industrial technologists, Mr. Loganathan. He is the founder and developer, a well-recognized personality in the STEM Education and Digital Technologies fraternity in Asia and the Americas. Prof Dr. Othman is an academic figure recognized by most specializes in Education and Business. Together the duo has over 70 years combined experience. 

Global Awards

highest and special awards for "best in education" category won at international technology innovation expos


Best EdTech Innovation Award


We will get back to you with answers to your enquiry.

US Office:

A9147, Robinson St #1G,
Overland Park, KS 66212,
United States of America

Malaysia Office:
A28-01, Ativo Suites,
Damansara Avenue, 52200
KL, Malaysia.

  • USA:
  • Roger Thang: 913-660-0550
  • Malaysia: 
  • Logan: +6 019-357-0206
